Allotment Diaries Podcast
The 'Allotment Diaries Podcast' is a podcast that aims to provide an honest look at what it's like to own an allotment plot. It discusses what has worked well as well as what has not worked so well.
The podcast will also feature interviews with other allotment holders about their experiences and allotments, as well as special guests.
For more information or to submit a question, please email allotmentdiariespodcast@gmail.com.
Allotment Diaries Podcast
EP.40 | Amy visits the RHS Chelsea Flower show 2024
The RHS Chelsea Flower Show is one of the world's greatest flower shows, featuring cutting-edge garden design, spectacular floral displays, and celebrity visitors. Amy had the pleasure of attending on behalf of the Allotment Diaries Podcast, and in this episode, she talks about her recent visit to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. She describes what she saw, the celebrities she saw, and her thoughts on it.
Also in the episode, Chay discusses the new plants he has been sowing as well as his most recent fruit tree purchases.
More information about other shows organised by the RHS can be found here:
If you have any questions you would like to ask us or would like to collaborate with us, then please contact us on: allotmentdiariespodcast@gmail.com.
You can also follow our social media accounts: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or YouTube.
Allotment Diaries Podcast is a podcast that examines what has worked well and what hasn't worked so well when it comes to having an allotment plot. It seeks to give an honest insight into what owning an allotment plot is actually about.